Friday, April 3, 2009

Locks of Love

This was no April's fool day for Karrie she went and cut her hair so she could give it Locks of Love she got a bob. It is so cute she looks so grown up now. Scary!!! then sad day on Thursday we watched the last ER show I thought Karrie was going to cry this show has been on her whole life and we have always watched it. So far she has gotten good reports about her hair we will see when we got to chuch next week because a lot of people have said to me don't let her cut her hair because it is so long and they like her like that. But I told her it is her hair and if she wants to cut it she should.


Eric and Caralee said...

Yay Karrie! I am proud of you :) I'm sure you look fabulous. My theory is that you can do whatever you want to your hair because it will always grow back! I didn't cut mine for a long time because I thought I would miss it, but looking at it that way the past few years I've become a lot braver.