Sing to your heart's content. Chase Austin Shoaf
Posted by Linda Nelson at 10:51 AM 0 comments
So how many people are going to see Eclipes the first night?
We are going Wed. Night I don't think I want to wait in line for the midnight showing. Sorry it's been so long since I've been on here but I've been doing Facebook everyday. Karrie got me hooked.
Posted by Linda Nelson at 1:55 PM 3 comments
Posted by Linda Nelson at 9:33 AM 1 comments
Posted by Linda Nelson at 10:15 AM 1 comments
We have been in the new house for about two weeks now. We started moving in on the 22 of Jan. It is all new things with alot of updates. We have a four bedroom with one bath with a big frontroom mom wanted all wood floors. So we have been busy unpacking and putting things away and making it look like a home. Putting things on the walls and round the rooms.
Posted by Linda Nelson at 9:17 AM 1 comments
last Saturday the youth had a dance but the youth from the Columbus 2ND did not go because a young man that shot himself.when all the youth found out went to the Busselberg to talk and to cry. Brother Clark and his daughter came and they talk to us. that Sunday the after this happend we had sacrament and that was it. I went back to the Busselberg. On Monday school was hard because they told the school on the intercom.I was in food science and when they said his name I was crying. all the week until Friday when his funeral was. his funeral was beautiful because of all the people that know Chase.They had the Youth Stake Choir along with the stage Choir from sing for the funeral they all sounded like angels Karrie was in it
(From Linda) they all said they knew that Chase was listening and that the way that Chase would liked it.that day I did not go to school after the funeral we all went to Carlos pizza in the mall. after that me and Lu went to see Pricess and the Frog.
Posted by Linda Nelson at 2:34 PM 0 comments
This afternoon we learned that this young man from our ward killed himself (Chase Shoaf) he would had been eighteen at the end of February and was a Senior at East High School. Karrie and Chase have grown up together. May all our throughts ans prays be with his family.
Posted by Linda Nelson at 5:28 PM 3 comments